Event Details

The workshop will be based on Federal legislation and will contain information about the nuances of each individual state's legislation. The workshops are tailored to the four largest agricultural industries in Australia: Broadacre, Horticulture, Viticulture and Livestock.

The program will be targeted at farm business owners and will result in the development of farm safety plans.


The initial workshop content will include:

Understanding your obligations under relevant legislation, regulations and standards.

How to develop a positive WHS culture.

How to conduct a risk register specific to your agriculture business.

Developing a WHS implementation plan for your agriculture business.

How to set achievable goals to start making your agriculture business safer.

Homework tasks for review at the follow-up workshop


(to be held within two weeks)

The follow-up workshop content will include: Develop strategies to overcome behavioural obstacles.

Share your goals.

Problem solve high-risk tasks.

Address any issues which are inhibiting engagement.

Set next steps to ensure ongoing commitment.

Timeframe : 10.00am - 2.00pm


(to be held within a month)

The coaching sessions will cover: WHS Implementation Plan, Risk Register,

Positive WHS culture Compliance to legislation

3 x 60 minute sessions

(to be held every two weeks)


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Farm Safety Workshop

Free Registration

Standard Price Complimentary